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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

sa'-fer (shaphir).


Strong's Hebrew
8208. Shaphir -- "beauty," a place perhaps in Philistia
... Saphir. From shaphar; beautiful; Shaphir, a place in Palestine -- Saphir. see HEBREW
shaphar. 8207, 8208. Shaphir. 8209 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/8208.htm - 6k

Note C. The Holiness of God.
... "I am holy""but God does not remain alone, separate""be ye also holy."'
(Saphir on Hebrews xii.). 'When we think of God as light ...
// in christ/note c the holiness of.htm

And ii.
... Thus we find immediately afterwards, in ver.11: "Pass ye away, ye inhabitants of
Saphir, having your shame naked;" on which Michaelis remarks: "With naked ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/chap i and ii.htm

The Covenant Promise of the Spirit
... this week. Our dearly beloved friend Adolph Saphir passed away last Saturday,
and his wife died three or four days before him. When ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/the covenant promise of the.htm

Seventeenth Lesson. I Know that Thou Hearest Me Always;'
... He was, to use our imperfect language, from eternity speaking unto the Father
on behalf of the world.'"SAPHIR, The Hidden Life, chap. vi. ...
/.../murray/with christ in the school of prayer/seventeenth lesson i know that.htm

The Johannean Literature.
... Daniel und die Offenbarung Johannis, 1854; Engl. transl. by Ad. Saphir, 1856,
2d Germ. ed.1857); Düsterdieck (1859, 3d ed.1877); Bleek ...
/.../section 40 the johannean literature.htm

Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary


Smith's Bible Dictionary

(fair), one of the villages addressed by the prophet Micha, (Micah 1:11) is described by Eusebius and jerome as "in the mountain district between Eleutheropolis and Ascalon," perhaps represented by the village es-Sawafir , seven or eight miles to the northeast of Ascalon.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
Beautiful, a town of Judah (Micah 1:11), identified with es-Suafir, 5 miles south-east of Ashdod.
Saphir (1 Occurrence)
... Ashdod. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. SAPHIR. sa'-fer (shaphir). See SHAPHIR.
Multi-Version Concordance Saphir (1 Occurrence). Micah ...
/s/saphir.htm - 7k

Bethezel (1 Occurrence)
... Micah 1:11 Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame naked: the
inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Bethezel; he shall ...
/b/bethezel.htm - 7k

Shaphir (1 Occurrence)
... Standard Bible Encyclopedia SHAPHIR. sha'-fer (shaphir, "glittering"; kalos; the
King James Version Saphir): One of a group of towns mentioned in Micah 1:10-15. ...
/s/shaphir.htm - 7k


/s/sapheth.htm - 6k


/s/saphuthi.htm - 6k

Exposed (39 Occurrences)
... Micah 1:11 Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame exposed: the
inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Beth-ezel; he shall ...
/e/exposed.htm - 17k

Philistines (224 Occurrences)
... The names of places in Philistia noticed yet earlier by Thothmes III are
all Semitic, including Joppa, Saphir, Gerar, Gezer, etc. ...
/p/philistines.htm - 75k

Priest (500 Occurrences)
... 4. Symbolism of Aaron's Rod: Adolph Saphir believes there is deep significance in
the miracle of Aaron's rod that budded and bare almonds (Numbers 17). ...
/p/priest.htm - 88k

Mourning (85 Occurrences)
... Micah 1:11 Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame naked: the
inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Bethezel; he shall ...
/m/mourning.htm - 34k

Bible Concordance
Saphir (1 Occurrence)

Micah 1:11 Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame naked: the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Bethezel; he shall receive of you his standing.



Saphir: A City Prophesied Against by Micah

Related Terms

Bethezel (1 Occurrence)

Shaphir (1 Occurrence)



Exposed (39 Occurrences)

Philistines (224 Occurrences)

Priest (500 Occurrences)

Mourning (85 Occurrences)

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