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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

lig'-ur (Exodus 28:19; Exodus 39:12 the King James Version, the Revised Version (British and American) "jacinth").


Strong's Hebrew
3958. leshem -- (a precious stone) perhaps amber or jacinth
... a gem, perhaps the jacinth. From an unused root of uncertain meaning; a gem, perhaps
the jacinth -- ligure. 3957, 3958. leshem. 3959 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/3958.htm - 6k

Concerning the Garments of the Priests, and of the High Priest.
... sapphire. The first of the third row was a ligure, then an amethyst, and
the third an agate, being the ninth of the whole number. ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 7 concerning the garments.htm

High Priest
... rows of precious stones; the first row, a serdious, a topaz, and a carbuncle; the
second, an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond; the third, a ligure, an agate ...
/.../conversion of a high priest into a christian worker/chapter iv high priest.htm

... ligurion iii. ligurius iii. ligure iii. jacinth or amber achates achates agate agate
amethustos amethystus amethyst amethyst iv. chrusolithos iv. ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/introduction 4.htm

A Description of the Temple.
... in a row one way, and four in the other; a sardius, a topaz, and an emerald; a
carbuncle, a jasper, and a sapphire; an agate, an amethyst, and a ligure; an onyx ...
/.../chapter 5 a description of 2.htm

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Heb. leshem), a precious stone mentioned in (Exodus 28:19; 39:12) as the first in the third row of the high priest's breastplate. It is impossible to say, with any certainty, what stone is denoted by the Hebrew term; but perhaps tourmaline , or more definitely the red variety known as rubellite , has better claims than any other mineral. Rubellite is a hard stone, and used as a gem, and is sometimes sold for red sapphire.

ATS Bible Dictionary

Probably the same with the jacinth, a stone in the high priest's breastplate, Exodus 28:19; 39:12, said to have been of a deep and brilliant red color, with a tinge of yellow, and transparent.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
(Hebrews leshem) occurs only in Exodus 28:19 and 39:12, as the name of a stone in the third row on the high priest's breastplate. Some have supposed that this stone was the same as the jacinth (q.v.), others that it was the opal. There is now no mineral bearing this name. The "ligurite" is so named from Liguria in Italy, where it was found.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(n.) A kind of precious stone.
Ligure (2 Occurrences)
...LIGURE. lig'-ur (Exodus 28:19; Exodus 39:12 the King James Version, the Revised
Version (British and American) "jacinth"). ...Ligure (2 Occurrences). ...
/l/ligure.htm - 7k

Like (10728 Occurrences)

/l/like.htm - 14k

Jacinth (4 Occurrences)
... It has been supposed to designate the same stone as the ligure (Hebrews leshem)
mentioned in Exodus 28:19 as the first stone of the third row in the high ...
/j/jacinth.htm - 8k

Lign-aloes (1 Occurrence)
Lign-aloes. Lignaloes, Lign-aloes. Ligure . Easton's Bible Dictionary ... (ASV
WBS). Lignaloes, Lign-aloes. Ligure . Reference Bible.
/l/lign-aloes.htm - 7k

Bible Concordance
Ligure (2 Occurrences)

Exodus 28:19 And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst.

Exodus 39:12 And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst.



Ligure: A Precious Stone

Related Terms

Like (10728 Occurrences)

Jacinth (4 Occurrences)

Lign-aloes (1 Occurrence)

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