Jump to: Smith's • ATS • ISBE • Easton's • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms International Standard Bible Encyclopedia LAPWINGlap'-wing (dukhiphath; epops): A translation used in early VSS, now universally admitted to be incorrect. The lapwing had a crest, and resembled in size and color the hoopoe (Upupa epops). It appears in the lists of abominations only (Leviticus 11:19 the King James Version and Deuteronomy 14:18 the King James Version, the Revised Version (British and American) HOOPOE, which see). The lapwing is a plover, and its flesh and eggs are delicious food. Strong's Hebrew 1744. dukiphath -- perhaps hoopoe (a ceremonially unclean bird)... 2). lapwing. Of uncertain derivation; the hoopoe or else the grouse -- lapwing. 1743, 1744. dukiphath. 1745 . Strong's Numbers. /hebrew/1744.htm - 6k Library Vile Transformation of Jupiter. The Tenth Commandment The Gods of Egypt Smith's Bible Dictionary Lapwing(Heb. duciphath) occurs only in (Leviticus 11:19) and in the parallel passage of (14:18) amongst the list of those birds which were forbidden by the law of Moses to be eaten by the Israelites. Commentators generally agree that the hoopoe is the bird intended. The hoopoe is an occasional visitor to England, arriving for the most part in the autumn. Its crest is very elegant; each of the long feathers forming it is tipped with black. ATS Bible Dictionary LapwingSupposed to mean the hoopoe, a beautiful migratory bird of filthy habits and a loud, hoarse voice; pronounced unclean by Moses, Le 11:19. It is about the size of a thrush; its beak is long, black, thin and a little hooked; its legs gray and short. On its head is a tuft of feathers of different colors, which it raises or lowers as it pleases. Its neck and breast are somewhat reddish, and its wings and tail black, with white streaks. Easton's Bible Dictionary The name of an unclean bird, mentioned only in Leviticus 11:19 and Deuteronomy 14:18. The Hebrew name of this bird, dukiphath, has been generally regarded as denoting the hoope (Upupa epops), an onomatopoetic word derived from the cry of the bird, which resembles the word "hoop;" a bird not uncommon in Palestine. Others identify it with the English peewit. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (n.) A small European bird of the Plover family (Vanellus cristatus, or V. vanellus). It has long and broad wings, and is noted for its rapid, irregular fight, upwards, downwards, and in circles. Its back is coppery or greenish bronze. Its eggs are the plover's eggs of the London market, esteemed a delicacy. It is called also peewit, dastard plover, and wype. The gray lapwing is the Squatarola cinerea.Thesaurus Lapwing (2 Occurrences)... It is called also peewit, dastard plover, and wype. The gray lapwing is the Squatarola cinerea. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. LAPWING. ... /l/lapwing.htm - 8k Hoopoe (2 Occurrences) Lapse (9 Occurrences) Larch (3 Occurrences) Weep (97 Occurrences) Wipe (24 Occurrences) Palestine (1 Occurrence) Bible Concordance Lapwing (2 Occurrences)Leviticus 11:19 And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. Deuteronomy 14:18 And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. Subtopics Lapwing: A Bird Forbidden As Food Related Terms Links Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus |