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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

kook'-oo, kuk'-oo (shachaph; laros; Latin Cuculus canorus): The Hebrew root from which the word shachaph is derived means "to be lean" and "slender," and in older versions of the Bible was translated cuckow (cuckoo). It was mentioned twice in the Bible (Leviticus 11:16, and practically the same in Deuteronomy 14:15 the King James Version "cuckoo"), in the list of unclean birds. The Latin term by which we designate the bird is very similar to the Arabic, and all names for it in different countries are so nearly the same that they prove themselves based on its double cry, "cuck-oo," or the single note "kowk" or "gouk." The bird is as old as history, and interesting because the European species placed its eggs in the nests of other birds, which gave rise to much fiction concerning its habits. The European bird is a brownish gray with white bars underneath, and larger than ours, which are a beautiful olive gray, with tail feathers of irregular length touched with white, knee tufts, black or yellow bill, according to species, and beautiful sleek head and shining eyes. Our birds build their own nests, attend their young with care and are much loved for their beauty. Their food is not repulsive in any species; there never was any reason why they should have been classed among the abominations, and for these reasons scientists in search of a "lean, slender" bird of offensive diet and habit have selected the "sea-mew" (which see) which is substituted for cuckoo in the Revised Version (British and American) with good natural-history reason to sustain the change.

Gene Stratton-Porter

Strong's Hebrew
7828. shachaph -- a sea mew, gull
... cuckoo. From an unused root meaning to peel, ie Emaciate; the gull (as thin) --
cuckoo. 7827, 7828. shachaph. 7829 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/7828.htm - 5k

A Book for Boys and Girls Or, Temporal Things Spritualized.
... XXI. OF THE CUCKOO. Thou booby, say'st thou nothing but Cuckoo? ... But thou hast fellows,
some like thee can do Little but suck our eggs, and sing Cuckoo. ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/a book for boys and.htm

Afraid of Giants
... as is so often the case, courage oozed out at the decisive moment, and cowardice,
disguised as prudence, called for 'further information,'"that cuckoo-cry of ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/afraid of giants.htm

Jupiter's Amours.
... [1050] For he married his own sister Hera, assuming the likeness of a cuckoo's
wing; and of her were born Hebe and Ilithyia. For ...
/.../unknown/the clementine homilies/chapter xii jupiters amours.htm

The Waters of Meribah
... have preached the wisdom of trust in the God in whose 'favour is life.' But the
people 'had learned nothing and forgotten nothing.' The old cuckoo-cry, which ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the waters of meribah.htm

Sunday-School Hymns.
... verses, and the hymn above indicated"as well as the beautiful poem, "To the
Cuckoo,"[27] still a classic in English literature,"bore the name of Logan for ...
/.../brown/the story of the hymns and tunes/chapter viii sunday-school hymns.htm

The Pilgrim's Progress
... no fish, and some Love not their friends, nor their own house or home; Some start
at pig, slight chicken, love not fowl, More than they love a cuckoo, or an owl ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the pilgrims progress.htm

How we Should at all Times Praise God.
... of my impotent longings of their own high worthiness, that they may be incited in
their pure brightness to praise Thee, just as though the cuckoo were to give ...
/.../suso/a little book of eternal wisdom/chapter xxv how we should.htm

To the Rev. Andrew Brandram
... It was surrounded and almost overhung by huge mountains, and embowered in trees
of various kinds; waters sounded, nightingales sang, and the cuckoo's full note ...
/.../borrow/letters of george borrow/to the rev andrew brandram 2.htm

The Holy Family in Bethlehem after the Departure of the Kings.
... Anna's maidservant went with them, and I was again astonished by her strange cap,
which was almost like a cuckoo-basket', the name given by our peasant ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/xiv the holy family in.htm

How a Man's Conduct Comes Home to Him
... Like the young cuckoo in the sparrow's nest, worldliness grows and grows
and tries its best to cast out the true owner of the heart. ...
/.../spurgeon/sermons on proverbs/how a mans conduct comes.htm

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Leviticus 11:16; 14:15) the name of some of the larger petrels which abound in the east of the Mediterranean.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
(Hebrews shahaph), from a root meaning "to be lean; slender." This bird is mentioned only in Leviticus 11:16 and Deuteronomy 14:15 (R.V., "seamew"). Some have interpreted the Hebrew word by "petrel" or "shearwater" (Puffinus cinereus), which is found on the coast of Syria; others think it denotes the "sea-gull" or "seamew." The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) feeds on reptiles and large insects. It is found in Asia and Africa as well as in Europe. It only passes the winter in Palestine. The Arabs suppose it to utter the cry Yakub_, and hence they call it _tir el-Yakub; i.e., "Jacob's bird."
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(n.) A bird belonging to Cuculus, Coccyzus, and several allied genera, of many species.
Cuckoo (2 Occurrences)
... shearwater" (Puffinus cinereus), which is found on the coast of Syria; others think
it denotes the "sea-gull" or "seamew." The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus ...
/c/cuckoo.htm - 9k

Cuckow (2 Occurrences)
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia CUCKOW; CUCKOO. kook'-oo, kuk'-oo (shachaph;
laros; Latin Cuculus canorus): The Hebrew root from ...
/c/cuckow.htm - 8k

Sea-mew (2 Occurrences)
... Used by modern translators in the list of abominations in the place of
the cuckoo (Leviticus 11:16 Deuteronomy 14:15). It is very ...
/s/sea-mew.htm - 8k

Seamew (1 Occurrence)
... Used by modern translators in the list of abominations in the place of
the cuckoo (Leviticus 11:16 Deuteronomy 14:15). It is very ...
/s/seamew.htm - 8k

Cubs (11 Occurrences)

/c/cubs.htm - 9k

Cook (17 Occurrences)
... No cooking took place on the Sabbath day (Exodus 35:3). Noah Webster's Dictionary.
1. (vi) To make the noise of the cuckoo. 2. (vt) To throw. ...
/c/cook.htm - 13k

Soldier (16 Occurrences)
... used by way of emphasis or distinction. 4. (n.) The red or cuckoo gurnard
(Trigla pini.). 5. (n.) One of the asexual polymorphic ...
/s/soldier.htm - 12k

Bible Concordance
Cuckoo (2 Occurrences)

Leviticus 11:16 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind,

Deuteronomy 14:15 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind,



Cuckoo: Forbidden As Food

Related Terms

Cuckow (2 Occurrences)

Sea-mew (2 Occurrences)

Seamew (1 Occurrence)

Cubs (11 Occurrences)

Cook (17 Occurrences)

Soldier (16 Occurrences)

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