International Standard Bible Encyclopedia BETH-EZELbeth-e'-zel (beth ha-'etsel; oikos echomenous autes; literally, "adjoining house"): A place named along with other cities in the Philistine plain (Micah 1:11). The site has not been identified. By some it is thought to be the same as Azel of Zechariah 14:5; but see AZEL. Smith's Bible Dictionary Bethezel(neighbor's house), a place named only in (Micah 1:11) From the context it was doubtless situated in the plain of Philistia. Thesaurus Bethezel (1 Occurrence)... By some it is thought to be the same as Azel of Zechariah 14:5; but see AZEL. Multi-Version Concordance Bethezel (1 Occurrence). ... /b/bethezel.htm - 7k Bethesda (1 Occurrence) Beth-ezel (1 Occurrence) Saphir (1 Occurrence) Mourning (85 Occurrences) Bible Concordance Bethezel (1 Occurrence)Micah 1:11 Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame naked: the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Bethezel; he shall receive of you his standing. Subtopics Related Terms Links Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus |